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Last Updated on July 6, 2024 by Arnav Sharma

As technology advances, so does the need for cybersecurity. Every organization, whether big or small, must ensure its network security and infrastructure are up to the mark. This is where professionals with a Certificate IV in cyber security come in. As someone who has undertaken this qualification, I’d like to share my thoughts on what the course entails and what one can expect.

What is Certificate IV in Cyber Security?

Explanation and Overview

Certificate IV in cyber security is a nationally recognised qualification in Australia that provides you with the necessary skills to manage and maintain the security of an organisation’s information and communication systems. This course is designed to give you a thorough understanding of the cybersecurity industry and the technical skills required to take on various cybersecurity roles.

Importance of Cyber Security Certification

Cybersecurity certification is essential in today’s technology-driven world. It ensures that you have the skills and knowledge required to perform cybersecurity-related tasks. Employers prefer cybersecurity professionals with a certification as it assures them that their organization’s security is in good hands. Not only does it give you a boost in your career, but it also helps in maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of organization data.

Benefits of Pursuing Certificate IV in Cyber Security

Undertaking a certificate IV in cyber security provides you with several benefits such as:

  • Developing the skills and knowledge required to become a cybersecurity professional
  • Learn how to respond to cyber incidents
  • Become aware of the latest cybersecurity threats and how to mitigate them
  • Gain an understanding of the information and communications technology (ICT) industry and its standards
  • Better career prospects as cybersecurity professionals are in high demand

What are the Course Requirements?

Core Units of the Course

The certificate IV in cyber security course comprises of ten core units that are essential in developing the skills and knowledge required to take on cybersecurity roles. Some of these core units are:

  • ICTICT418 – Contribute to copyright, ethics, and privacy in an ICT environment
  • BSBWHS311 – Assist with maintaining workplace safety
  • BSBSUS401 – Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices

Elective Units of the Course

Along with the core units, the certificate IV in cyber security course also consists of a few elective units. The choice of elective units entirely depends on your interest and career goals. Some of the elective units are:

  • BSBCMM401 – Make a presentation
  • ICTNWK416 – Build security into the network
  • ICTPRG414 – Apply introductory programming skills in another language

Skills Required to Pursue Certificate IV in Cyber Security

The eligibility to undertake a certificate IV in cyber security may vary depending on the institution. Nonetheless, to successfully complete the course, you must possess several skills and knowledge related to cybersecurity, such as:

  • Technical skills
  • Understanding of health and safety (WHS) regulations
  • Knowledge of cybersecurity threats and their mitigation
  • Ability to respond to cybersecurity incidents in a timely and efficient manner

Where Can You Enrol for the Course?

Enrolment Procedures

You can enrol for Certificate IV in cyber security courses in most TAFE institutions in Australia. The enrolment procedures may vary depending on the institution and the mode of study (online or on-campus). Typically, you would be required to submit your academic transcripts, identification documents, and proof of residency.

Tuition Fees

The tuition fee for certificate IV in the cyber security course is subject to change and may vary depending on the institution you enrol in. However, usually, the fees for this course range from $4000 to $7000 AUD. Please note that these figures may have changed since the time of publication; hence it is essential to check with the institution.

Recognition of Prior Learning

If you have prior knowledge and skills related to cybersecurity, you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning (RPL). Recognition of prior learning assesses your skills and knowledge and awards credit for any unit(s) that you have already undertaken. This means that you would not have to repeat any units that you have already completed and can complete the course in a shorter time frame.

What Can You Expect from the Course?

Learning Outcomes

The certificate IV in cyber security course provides you with several learning outcomes, such as:

  • Understanding of the importance of cybersecurity in an organization
  • Ability to identify cybersecurity threats and apply practical measures to mitigate them
  • Understanding of information technology and security infrastructure
  • Developing the skills required to respond to cybersecurity incidents in a timely and efficient manner
  • Understanding of ethical practices and regulations related to the ICT sector

Training Delivery Methods

Most TAFE institutions offer certificate IV in cyber security course online or on-campus. Studying online allows you to study at your own pace and at a time that suits you. On-campus study provides you with an opportunity to network with other students and interact with the trainers.

Information Technology and Security Infrastructure

The Certificate IV in cyber security course focuses on various areas such as information technology, network security, and security infrastructure. You will learn how to install and manage antivirus software, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems, among others. The course also covers topics such as data backup and recovery, network design, and access control.

What to Do After Successfully Completing the Course?

Opportunities for Employment

Certificate IV in cyber security opens up several career opportunities. Some of the roles you can take up are:

  • Cyber Security Technician
  • Cyber Security Analyst
  • Security Consultant

Career Advancement in Cyber Security

After gaining practical knowledge and skills, you may consider advancing your career in cybersecurity. You can further your education by undertaking a certificate iv in information technology or a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity.

Responses to Cyber Security Incidents

The certificate IV in cyber security provides you with an understanding of the steps you need to take when there is a cybersecurity incident. You will gain the necessary skills to respond to incidents in a timely and efficient manner and minimize the damage.

Is it Worth Pursuing Certificate IV in Cyber Security?

Benefits of Investing in Cyber Security Education

Investing in cybersecurity education is one of the best decisions you can make in today’s world. The cybersecurity industry is growing at an exponential rate, and professionals with a certification or degree in cybersecurity are in high demand. Pursuing a certificate iv in cyber security provides you with hands-on learning experience, which can help you stand out from the rest of the applicants.

Why Certificate IV in Cyber Security is a Good Choice?

The certificate IV in cyber security is an excellent choice as it provides you with a nationally recognized qualification in Australia. It covers all the necessary aspects of cybersecurity and provides you with the skills and knowledge required to take on multiple roles in the cybersecurity industry.

Overall Thoughts on Certificate IV in Cyber Security

It depends on your prior experience and the background – for a person with good system admin experience, the certification may or may not be worth getting into a security specific field. However, for a newbie this can help on how the different compeonets in an IT Infra are linked up with each other and also make them understand on how to secure different services.


Q: What is Certificate IV in Cyber Security?

A: Certificate IV in Cyber Security is a course designed to provide individuals with the technical skills and knowledge required to seek employment as a cyber security technician in a range of organizations. The course comprises of several units of competency that describes the skills and knowledge required to respond to security breaches and incidents, establish and maintain a security perimeter, and perform a range of technical skills.

Q: Is the course online or delivered in-person?

A: The course is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding. The training is delivered with Victoria University Polytechnic’s TAFE online learning platform, allowing individuals to study in their own time and place.

Q: What kind of skills can I expect to learn?

A: The course information describes the skills and knowledge required to analyze and evaluate security threats, develop and implement business continuity plans, conduct security audits, and manage work health and safety in the workplace.

Q: What are the units of competency?

A: The course comprises of several units of competency, including:

  • BSBCRT401 – Articulate, present and debate ideas
  • BSBWHS312 – Contribute to workplace WHS communication and consultation processes
  • ICTICT408 – Create technical documentation
  • ICTNWK501 – Plan, implement and evaluate WAN links and internet protocols
  • BSBWHS415 – Contribute to implementing WHS management systems
  • ICTNWK503 – Install and maintain valid authentication?processes
  • ICTSAS502 – Establish and maintain client/server?security
  • ICTSAS505 – Protect server and client systems from?security?threats
  • ICTSAS504 – Develop and implement?cyber?security?strategies
  • ICTSAS506 – Assess and?manage?security?threats

Q: What is the level of this course?

A: Certificate IV in Cyber Security is a technician level course. It is designed for individuals who have a range of technical skills and knowledge and wish to seek employment as a cyber security technician in a range of organisations and government bodies.

Q: Will I be able to seek employment after completing this course?

A: Certificate IV in Cyber Security is designed to provide individuals with the skills and knowledge to seek employment as a cyber security technician in a range of organisations. Successful completion of the course may be required by some government bodies and organisations as a prerequisite for employment as a cyber security technician.

Q: What kind of organisations can I seek employment with after completing this course?

A: Cyber security is a technician level qualification that is recognized across the cyber security industry. Upon completion of this course, individuals can seek employment as a cyber security technician in a variety of organisations, including security operations centres, government bodies, and private enterprises.

Q: What are the work health and safety requirements for this course?

A: The course includes the unit BSBWHS415 – Contribute to implementing WHS management systems. This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to contribute to the implementation and maintenance of a work health and safety management system in the workplace. The unit covers topics such as identifying hazards and risk control measures, as well as monitoring and reviewing WHS processes.

Q: Will I get skills recognition after completing this course?

A: The units of competency within the course have been designed to meet the requirements for skills recognition in the cyber security industry. Successful completion of the course will provide individuals with the opportunity to apply for recognition of prior learning, where relevant, for further studies.

Q: What is the total course duration?

A: The total course duration for Certificate IV in Cyber Security can vary depending on the mode of study and the individual’s prior skills and knowledge. The course is typically delivered over a 12-month period, with a range of online learning resources, assessments, and practical work.

Q: What is “tafe” offering in the field of technology?

A: A: TAFE collaborates with Victoria University Polytechnic to provide courses that address the industry needs, especially in the realm of cybersecurity.

Q: How does “cybersecurity” training at TAFE prepare students for the real world?

A: A: The training equips students with the knowledge required to plan, implement, and respond to cyber threats. Graduates of the Certificate IV receive a certificate and are well-prepared to seek employment as cyber security practitioners in a range of sectors.

Q: How is “training is delivered with victorian” standards?

A: A: Training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth government funding, ensuring that it meets the highest standards and addresses the increasing demand for cyber security due to the rising number of cyber attacks.

Q: Are there any “commonwealth government funding” opportunities for this course?

A: A: Yes, the training is delivered with Victorian and Australian government funding, making it accessible to a wider range of students.

Q: What are the outcomes for graduates of the cybersecurity program?

A: A: Graduates of the Certificate IV can seek employment as cyber security practitioners in a range of sectors, equipped with the knowledge and a comprehensive set of technical skills to enable them to tackle real-world challenges.

Q: How does TAFE ensure the relevance of its cybersecurity curriculum?

A: A: The curriculum is designed to address the industry needs, focusing on key skills, incident response, and the increasing demand for cyber security professionals due to the growing number of cyber attacks.

Q: Are there any prerequisites or “entry into this course” requirements?

A: A: Yes, a pre-training review is conducted to ensure that legislative or certification requirements apply, and students may need to complete certain prerequisites.

Q: How is the training delivered?

A: A: The training is a combination of online resources and on-campus sessions, offered at various campus locations.

Q: What are the financial aspects of the course, such as “tuition fees for this course”?

A: A: Tuition fees for this course are determined based on various factors, and potential students should inquire directly to get the most accurate information.

Q: How does the course prepare students in terms of practical skills?

A: A: The course imparts knowledge required to write scripts to automate solutions using basic scripting processes, ensuring students have both theoretical knowledge and practical technical skills.

Q: After completing the course, how can students “apply for jobs”?

A: A: With the comprehensive set of technical skills and knowledge gained, students can confidently apply for jobs as security practitioners, meeting the industry’s key skills requirements.

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