Infrastructure as Code

Last Updated on May 27, 2024 by Arnav Sharma

1. Master Terraform by using modules for reusability in your codebase.: Organize your infrastructure into modules for reusability. For example, create a module for an Azure Virtual Network that can be reused across different environments.

module “network” {
Ā  source = “./modules/network”
Ā  location = “West Europe”
Ā  address_space = [“”]

2. Use automation to leverage Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates with Terraform.: Integrate existing ARM templates into Terraform for resources that are not fully supported by Terraform.

resource “azurerm_template_deployment” “arm_template” {
Ā  name Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā = “arm-deployment”
Ā  resource_group_name =
Ā  template_body Ā  Ā  Ā  = file(“${path.module}/template.json”)
Ā  parameters Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā = {
Ā  Ā  “parameter1” = “value1”
Ā  }

3. Utilize Terraform workspaces following Terraform best practices to manage different environments within the same codebase.: Use workspaces to manage different environments (like dev, staging, prod) within the same Terraform configuration.

4. As part of Terraform best practices, implement remote state storage using AWS or Azure Blob Storage.: Store Terraform state in Azure Blob Storage to enable team collaboration and prevent conflicts.

terraform {
Ā  backend “azurerm” {
Ā  Ā  storage_account_name = “tfstateaccount”
Ā  Ā  container_name Ā  Ā  Ā  = “tfstate”
Ā  Ā  key Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā = “prod.terraform.tfstate”
Ā  }

5. Use Terraform Data Sources: Utilize data sources to fetch information about existing Azure resources which can be used in your configurations.

data “azurerm_subnet” “example” {
Ā  name Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  = “example-subnet”
Ā  virtual_network_name = “example-vnet”
Ā  resource_group_name Ā = “example-rg”

6. Follow Terraform best practices and leverage Azure Managed Identities to handle credentials securely for Azure services.: Use managed identities for Azure resources to securely manage credentials for Azure services.

resource “azurerm_user_assigned_identity” “example” {
Ā  resource_group_name = “example-rg”
Ā  location Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā = “West Europe”
Ā  name Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā = “example-identity”

7. In line with Terraform best practices, utilize Terraform output values to share IP addresses and other infrastructure details.: Output values from Terraform can be used to share information about the infrastructure, like public IP addresses.

8. Implement Terraform state locking in your codebase to avoid conflicts when working with a team.: Enable state locking using Azure Blob Storage to prevent conflicts when multiple team members are working on the same Terraform configuration.

9. Adhere to Terraform best practices by pinning the version of your Azure provider in your codebase.: Always pin the version of your Azure provider to avoid unexpected changes due to provider updates.

terraform {
Ā  required_providers {
Ā  Ā  azurerm = {
Ā  Ā  Ā  source Ā = “hashicorp/azurerm”
Ā  Ā  Ā  version = “=2.26.0”
Ā  Ā  }
Ā  }

10. Incorporate automation and implement Azure DevOps to automate Terraform.: Integrate Terraform with Azure DevOps pipelines for automated testing and deployment.

11. Use Azure Policy with Terraform: Enforce organizational standards and assess compliance across your Azure resources with Azure Policy.

resource “azurerm_policy_assignment” “example” {
Ā  name Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  = “example-policy-assignment”
Ā  policy_definition_id =
Ā  scope Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā =

12. Incorporate Terraform Linting Tools: Use linting tools like tflint to catch errors in your Terraform configurations.

13. Leverage Terraform Cloud for Collaboration: Use Terraform Cloud for enhanced team collaboration features and remote operations.

14. Utilize Conditional Expressions: Use conditional expressions in Terraform to create resources conditionally based on input variables.

15. Implement Fine-Grained Access Control: Use Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) with Terraform to manage who has what permissions to your Azure resources.

16. Use Azure Service Principals with Terraform: Authenticate Terraform with Azure using Service Principals for automated workflows.

17. Leverage Azure Tags in Terraform: Use tags in Terraform to organize and manage Azure resources effectively.

resource “azurerm_resource_group” “example” {
Ā  name Ā  Ā  = “example-resources”
Ā  location = “West Europe”
Ā  tags = {
Ā  Ā  Environment = “Production”
Ā  }

18. Optimize Terraform Performance: Use terraform plan -out to save the execution plan and speed up terraform apply.

19. Implement Terraform Backend Configurations: Configure backends like AzureRM for efficient state management and operations.

20. Use Terraform Dynamic Blocks: Dynamic blocks in Terraform can simplify configurations by dynamically constructing repeated nested configuration blocks.

21. Secure Sensitive Data in Terraform: Use Azure Key Vault in conjunction with Terraform to manage and access sensitive information securely.

22. Automate Cost Estimates with Infracost: Use Infracost with Terraform to get a cost estimate of your Azure infrastructure before deploying.

23. Integrate Terraform with Azure Monitoring Tools: Send Terraform logs to Azure Monitor for better visibility and troubleshooting.

24. Leverage Azure Functions with Terraform: Manage Azure Functions with Terraform for serverless computing solutions.

25. Use Resource Dependencies Wisely: Explicitly define dependencies between Azure resources in Terraform to ensure proper creation and destruction order.

26. Optimize Terraform Variables: Use variable validation in Terraform to enforce input constraints and improve configuration usability.

27. Implement Error Handling and Retry Logic: Add error handling and retry logic for Azure resource provisioning in Terraform.

28. Organize Terraform Configurations: Structure your Terraform configurations with clear naming conventions and logical grouping for better maintainability.

29. Use Terraform for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS): Manage AKS with Terraform for consistent and repeatable Kubernetes deployments.

30. Regularly Review and Update Terraform Configurations: Keep your Terraform configurations up-to-date with the latest Azure features and best practices.

FAQ – Terraform Code

Q: What are some of the best practices for managing infrastructure with Terraform?

A: Terraform best practices include using version control for your configuration files, leveraging Terraform workspaces to manage multiple environments, and employing remote state to maintain an accurate view of what’s actually deployed. It’s also recommended to create separate Terraform configuration files for different parts of your infrastructure to make it easier to reason about and maintain.

Q: How does Terraform’s approach as a declarative language affect its syntax and functionality?

A: Terraform is a declarative language, which means it doesnā€™t support traditional conditional logic or loops like procedural languages. This approach provides a more accurate view of what’s actually deployed than a procedural language. In Terraform, you would use built-in functions and modules to repeat a piece of logic, such as creating multiple similar resources, without resorting to copy and paste.

Q: Can you explain how conditional logic and loops are used in Terraform?

A: While Terraformā€™s declarative language doesnā€™t support if-statements or for-loops in the traditional sense, you can still implement conditional logic and certain types of loops. This is done using Terraform’s built-in functions and advanced features in modules. For instance, you can create a Terraform module that can create certain resources for some users of that module but not for others, based on the value of variables.

Q: What are some advanced tips for working efficiently with Terraform?

A: Advanced tips for working with Terraform include using variables to make your Terraform code reusable and to reduce repetition, and using Terraform workspaces to easily manage multiple environments. Remember to run the terraform validate command to check the syntax of your Terraform files. Also, leveraging modules allows you to reuse code and make your life easier by managing infrastructure as code more effectively.

Q: What are some recommended practices from Medium on using Terraform for infrastructure management?

A: Recommended practices from Medium for using Terraform include making use of modules to reuse code, employing conditional logic to handle different scenarios in your infrastructure, and utilizing remote state to have an accurate view of your infrastructure. It’s also advised to leverage Terraform’s declarative syntax and built-in functions to manage complex configurations efficiently.

Q: How do Terraform modules contribute to efficient infrastructure management?

A: Terraform modules contribute to efficient infrastructure management by allowing you to reuse configuration files and logic across different parts of your infrastructure. This not only makes it easier to maintain your code but also ensures consistency in how resources are deployed. A well-designed Terraform module can create certain resources based on conditional logic, making it a versatile tool for managing complex infrastructure needs.

Q: Can you provide some insights from your experience over the past three years with Terraform?

A: Over the past three years, key insights gained from using Terraform include the importance of using variables and remote state to manage complex infrastructure setups. Variables allow for greater flexibility and customization of Terraform code, while remote state ensures that the state of your infrastructure is centrally managed and tracked. Additionally, understanding Terraform’s declarative nature and learning to work within its constraints, such as the lack of traditional loops, can greatly enhance your ability to effectively manage infrastructure.

Q: What are some tips and tricks for beginners starting with Terraform and DevOps?

A: For beginners starting with Terraform in the DevOps realm, some tips and tricks include starting with basic configurations and gradually moving to more complex setups. It’s important to understand the fundamentals of infrastructure as code, learn how to use Terraform’s conditional logic and loops effectively, and practice writing and validating Terraform configuration files. Regularly consulting resources and lessons, such as the ’10 lessons’ on Terraform, can provide valuable guidance and help make your journey with Terraform and DevOps easier.

Q: How does Terraform’s nature as a declarative language impact its use in DevOps?

A: Terraform, being a declarative language, tends to provide a more accurate view of whatā€™s actually deployed than a procedural language. Its nature makes it easier to reason about and maintain code, especially in DevOps environments. Declarative languages typically donā€™t have for-loops or if-statements, but Terraform provides built-in functions to handle similar needs, which is crucial in managing infrastructure as code.

Q: What are some essential Terraform tips and tricks for managing AWS infrastructure?

A: Essential Terraform tips and tricks for managing AWS infrastructure include using Terraform modules for reusability, employing S3 for remote state management, and leveraging conditional logic and loops where necessary. Itā€™s also important to keep your Terraform code in a directory under version control and use variables for flexibility. Remember to validate your Terraform syntax regularly for an efficient workflow.

Q: What lessons have been learned from using Terraform to manage multiple environments?

A: From using Terraform to manage multiple environments, valuable lessons include the use of Terraform workspaces to separate different stages of deployment and the importance of remote state to keep track of the infrastructure. Over the past three years, it’s become clear that using separate Terraform configuration files for different parts of the infrastructure makes it easier to keep the codebase small and manageable.

Q: Can you provide insights on creating and using a Terraform module for conditional resource creation?

A: Creating a Terraform module that can create certain resources for some users but not for others involves implementing conditional logic based on variable values. This module should be managed by Terraform and part of your main Terraform configuration. Itā€™s a powerful way to reuse code and cater to different use cases while maintaining a clear and concise codebase.

Q: How does using loops in Terraform make infrastructure management easier?

A: Using loops in Terraform allows you to repeat a piece of logicā€”such as creating multiple similar resourcesā€”without copy and paste, which makes managing infrastructure more efficient. Although Terraform’s declarative language doesnā€™t support traditional loops, you can use Terraform’s built-in functions to implement certain types of loops, which greatly simplifies complex deployments.

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