Service Endpoint diagram in Azure

Last Updated on November 6, 2023 by Arnav Sharma

An endpoint in Azure refers to a network address through which services can be accessed. Azure provides two types of endpoints – service endpoints and private endpoints. While they may sound similar, they serve different purposes and have distinct configurations.

What is a Service endpoint?

A service endpoint is a direct connection between a virtual network (VNet) and a resource. By configuring a service endpoint, traffic flows directly from the virtual network to the resource without traversing the public internet.

Benefits of using Service endpoints

  • Improved security: Service endpoints ensure that traffic between the VNet and the service remains within the Azure backbone network, reducing exposure to potential security threats.
  • Higher performance: With service endpoints, traffic to services is routed through the Azure backbone network, resulting in lower latency and improved network performance.
  • Controlled access: Service endpoints allow you to control which subnets within a VNet can access the Azure service, providing granular access control.

How to configure a Service endpoint?

To deploy a service endpoint, you need to create a service endpoint within the VNet’s subnet and associate it with the target Azure resource. This is typically done using the  portal or CLI.

Limitations of service endpoints

While service endpoints offer several benefits, it’s important to be aware of their limitations. Firstly, service endpoints only work with specificĀ services that support them. Additionally, they cannot be used to access resources outside of Azure or resources residing in a different region. Lastly, service endpoints are restricted to traffic within the Azure backbone network and do not support hybrid connectivity.

What is a private endpoint in Azure?

A private endpoint allows you to access services securely over a private IP address within a virtual network. It provides an additional layer of isolation and security by blocking all traffic from public networks.

Advantages of using private endpoints

  • Enhanced security: Private endpoints enable secure access to services by restricting access to them from within the VNet, minimizing the attack surface area.
  • Isolated connectivity: With private endpoints, you can establish a private and dedicated connection between your VNet and the Azure service, ensuring your data stays within your private network.
  • Improved compliance: Private endpoints help meet regulatory compliance requirements by ensuring that sensitive data does not traverse the internet.

How to create a private endpoint?

To create a private endpoint, you need to deploy a private IP address within the subnet of your VNet and associate it with the target resource. This establishes a direct connection between your VNet and the Azure service using a private link.

Configuring private DNS for a private endpoint

To enable name resolution for private endpoints, you can configure a private DNS zone within your VNet. This allows you to resolve the private IP addresses associated with the private endpoints using custom domain names.

How do service endpoints and private endpoints differ?

Service endpoints and private endpoints serve different purposes and have distinct configurations.

Key differences between service endpoints and private endpoints:

  • Connectivity: Azure service endpoints provide connectivity between a VNet and an Azure service resource over the MS backbone network, while private endpoints establish a private and dedicated connection within the VNet.
  • Access: Service endpoints enable access to Azure services, whereas private endpoints provide access to those services over a private IP address.
  • Isolation: Private endpoints offer increased isolation by blocking all traffic from public networks, while service endpoints still rely on the MS backbone network for connectivity.

Use cases for service endpoints

Service endpoints are commonly used in scenarios where you want to secure access to Platform as a Service (PaaS) services, such as Storage or SQL Database, from within your virtual network. By using service endpoints, you can ensure that the traffic stays within the MS backbone network and does not require internet access.

Use cases for private endpoints

Private endpoints are ideal for scenarios where you want to securely access PaaS services over a private network. This is particularly useful when dealing with highly sensitive data or compliance requirements. By using private endpoints, you can establish a direct and isolated connection from your VNet to the service resource, without exposing it to the internet.

When to use service endpoints?

If you are using PaaS services within a VNet and require secure and optimized access to those services, service endpoints are a recommended approach.

Using service endpoints with PaaS services

Service endpoints can be configured for various PaaS services, including Storage and SQL Database. By enabling service endpoints, you ensure that the resources can be accessed securely and efficiently from within your VNet.

Benefits of using service endpoints in a virtual network

Using service endpoints in a virtual network provides several benefits. Firstly, it improves the security of your Azure resources by reducing exposure to the internet. Secondly, it enables a more efficient network connection, resulting in improved performance when accessing Azure services. Lastly, service endpoints allow you to control access to Azure services by defining network security group rules within your VNet.

How to configure service endpoints for Azure resources

ToĀ deployĀ service endpoints for Azure resources, you need to navigate to the networking settings of the respective resource and enable the desired service endpoints. This will establish the connectivity between your VNet and the Azure service.

When to use private endpoints in Azure?

Private endpoints are useful in scenarios where you want to ensure secure and private access to Azure PaaS services, particularly when dealing with sensitive data or compliance requirements.

Securing access to Azure PaaS services using private endpoints

By using private endpoints, you can secure access to Azure PaaS services by establishing a private connection within your VNet. This ensures that data does not traverse the internet, providing an additional layer of security.

How private endpoints protect against public internet access

Private endpoints block all traffic from public networks, ensuring that only authorized traffic from within the VNet can reach the Azure service resource. This protects against potential threats from the internet.

Enabling private connectivity to Azure services using private endpoints

To enable private connectivity to Azure services using private endpoints, you need to create a private endpoint within your VNet’s subnet and associate it with the target Azure service. This establishes a direct and isolated connection between your VNet and the Azure service over a private IP address.

FAQ – Service Endpoint and Private Endpoint

Q: What is the difference between Azure Service Endpoint and Private Endpoint?

A: Azure Service Endpoint is a concept that enables resources within a virtual network to access a PaaS resources over the Azure backbone network, without needing a public IP address or allowing traffic from the internet. On the other hand, Private Endpoint allows you to access a PaaS resources over a private link, using a private IP address in your virtual network.

Q: How do I use a Private Endpoint?

A: To use a Private Endpoint, you need to create a Private Endpoint resource in the same virtual network as the resource you want to connect to. Then, you can deploy the Private Endpoint to connect to the specific resource using Azure Private Link.

Q: What is a public endpoint of the storage account?

A: A public endpoint of the storage account is a network access point that allows internet traffic to reach the storage account. It uses a public IP address and is accessible over the internet.

Q: What is the Azure Private Link?

A: Azure Private Link is a service that allows you to securely access a PaaS resources over a private network connection. It uses a private IP address within your virtual network and does not require a public IP address or allowing traffic from the public internet.

Q: What is a service endpoint policy?

A: A service endpoint policy is a configuration that allows or denies traffic from specific virtual networks to specific resources. It can be used to control access to a PaaS resources over a service endpoint.

Q: What is the Microsoft Azure backbone?

A: The Microsoft Azure backbone is a high-speed network infrastructure that connects Azure data centers worldwide. It provides fast and reliable connectivity between Azure services and allows for efficient data transfer between virtual machines and other resources within Azure.

Q: Can I use a Service Endpoint and a Private Endpoint for the same Azure PaaS resource?

A: No, you can only use either a Service Endpoint or a Private Endpoint for a specific PaaS resource. You cannot use both simultaneously.

Q: Can I have multiple private endpoints in the same virtual network?

A: Yes, you can have multiple private endpoints in the same virtual network. Each private endpoint can be deployed to connect to a different PaaS resource using Azure Private Link.

Q: Which Azure resources can I use a Private Endpoint with?

A: You can use a Private Endpoint with a variety ofĀ PaaS resources, including Azure App Service, Azure Storage, Azure SQL Database, and many others. It provides a secure and private connection to these resources within your virtual network.

Q: How do Azure Private Endpoints enhance the security of service traffic within the Azure platform?

A: Azure Private Endpoints enhance the security of service traffic within the Azure platform by providing a private IP address from the VNet to securely connect to services, such as Azure Storage Accounts and Azure SQL, powered by Azure Private Link. This ensures that the traffic to these services never leaves the Azure network, thereby providing a more secure connection.

Q: What is the key difference between private and public cloud services in Azure?

A: The key difference between private and public cloud services in Azure is that private cloud services, like Azure Private Endpoint, allow you to securely connect to a service over the Azure network without exposing it to the public internet. In contrast, public cloud services are accessible over the public internet and can be reached using public IP addresses.

Q: Can you explain how Azure Private DNS works with Azure Private Endpoints?

A: Azure Private DNS works with Azure Private Endpoints by providing name resolution for the private endpoint within the Azure region. It enables Azure services to communicate with service resources using FQDNs that are resolved to the private IP address of the endpoint, thereby keeping the traffic within the Azure network and enhancing security.

Q: What is the advantage of using Private Endpoints over Service Endpoints in Azure?

A: The advantage of using Private Endpoints over Service Endpoints in Azure is that Private Endpoints allow Azure services to be accessed via a private IP address, ensuring that access to the PaaS service is fully contained within the Azure network. Unlike Service Endpoints, which secure direct connectivity to Azure PaaS offerings from your Azure VNet, Private Endpoints provide a higher level of isolation since they do not require a public IP address for the service resource.

Q: How does Azure Private Link Private Endpoint facilitate connections to PaaS services?

A: Azure Private Link Private Endpoint facilitates connections to PaaS services by providing a secure tunnel for your network traffic. It allows you to access the PaaS service via the private IP of the endpoint, ensuring that your data is not exposed to the public internet and that it travels through the Azure backbone network for increased security.

Q: What role does Azure Active Directory play in managing endpoints and your Azure PaaS offerings?

A: Azure Active Directory plays a crucial role in managing endpoints and your Azure PaaS offerings by providing authentication and authorization services. It ensures that only authenticated users or services within your Azure tenant can access the resources through the endpoints, thus maintaining secure and controlled access to your PaaS offerings.

Q: Can virtual machines in a VNet connect to the public cloud using Azure Private Endpoint?

A: Yes, virtual machines in a VNet can connect to public cloud services using Azure Private Endpoint by establishing another private IP for the VM to access services like Azure Monitor or Azure DNS, which are outside of the VNet. This is done through mappings between your endpoints and the specific Azure service resources, ensuring secure and direct connectivity.

Q: In what scenarios would you use the public IP instead of a Private Endpoint in Azure?

A: You would use the public IP instead of a Private Endpoint in Azure when you want to enable connectivity from the internet to your service. For example, when deploying web applications or services that need to be accessed by users outside of your existing Azure network or VNet, the public IP would be the appropriate choice.

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