Red Colour Illusion

Last Updated on September 11, 2024 by Arnav Sharma

Here’s a table of all the acronyms and their meanings:

2FATwo-Factor Authentication
ABAAttribute-Based Access Control
ACAccess Control
ACSCAustralian Cyber Security Centre
ADRAutomated Detection and Response
AESAdvanced Encryption Standard
AIArtificial Intelligence
APIApplication Programming Interface
APTAdvanced Persistent Threat
APWGAnti-Phishing Working Group
ASVApproved Scanning Vendor for PCI
ATT&CKAdversarial Tactics, Techniques and Common Knowledge
AUPAcceptable Use Policy
AVIENAntivirus Information Exchange Network
BASBreach and Attack Simulation
BBPBug Bounty Program
BYODBring Your Own Device
C3PAOCMMC 3rd Party Assessment Organization
CACertification and Accreditation/Security Assessment
CADComputer Aided Design
CAPCorrective Action Plan
CAPTCHACompletely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart
CASBCloud Access Security Broker
CCACMMC Certified Assessor
CCPCMMC Certified Professional
CDDomain Controller
CDECardholder Data Environment
CDRContent Disarm and Reconstruction/Cloud detection and response
CEHCertified Ethical Hacker
CERTComputer Emergency Response Team/Computer Emergency Readiness Team
CFPCall For Papers
CHAPChallenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
CIAConfidentiality, Integrity, and Availability
CI/CDContinuous integration and continuous delivery
CIEMContent Disarm and Reconstruction/Cloud infrastructure entitlement management
CISACertified Information Systems Auditor/Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
CISMCertified Information Systems Security Manager
CISCenter for Internet Security
CISOChief Information Security Officer
CISSPCertified Information Systems Security Professional
CIRTComputer Incident Response Team
CISCenter for Internet Security
CLSContractor Logistics Support
CMConfiguration Management
CMDBConfiguration Management Database
CMMCCybersecurity Maturity Model Certification
CMMC-ABCybersecurity Maturity Model Certification – Advisory Board
CMVPCryptographic Module Validation Program
CNCComputer Numerical Control
CNAPPCloud-Native Application Protection Platform
COBITControl Objectives for Information and Related Technologies
COTSCommercial Off The Shelf
COWCopy On Write
CRChange Request
CRQChange Request
CSFCybersecurity Framework
CSIRTComputer Security Incident Response Team
CSMACybersecurity Mesh Architecture
CSNSCloud Service Network Security
CSPCloud Service Provider/Content Security Policy
CSPMCloud Security Posture Management
CSOChief Security Officer
CTIControlled Technical Information
CUIControlled Unclassified Information
CWPPCloud Workload Protection Platform
DAMDoD 800-171 Assessment Methodology
DASTDynamic Application Security Testing
DCDomain Controller
DCMADefense Contract Management Agency
DCSADefense Counterintelligence and Security Agency
DDoSDistributed Denial of Service
DESData Encryption Standard
DFARSDoD Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DFIRDigital Forensics and Incident Response
DIBDefense Industrial Base
DIBBSDefense logisitics agency Internet Bid Board System
DIBCACDIB Cybersecurity Assessment Center
DISADefense Information Systems Agency
DLADefense Logisitics Agency
DMZDemilitarized Zone
DNSDomain Name System
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoDIDoD Instruction
DSCDefense Supply Chain
DSRData Subject Request
ECAExternal Certificate Authority
EDREndpoint Detection & Response
EPPEndpoint Protection Platform
EOExecutive Order
ERMEnterprise Risk Management
FDEFull Disk Encryption
FIMFile Integrity Monitoring
FIPSFederal Information Processing Standards
FISMAFederal Information Security Modernization Act
FWaaSFirewall as a Service
FYFiscal Year
GDPRGeneral Data Privacy Regulation
GRCGovernance, Risk, & Compliance
HIPAAHealth Information Portability and Accountability Act
HITECHHealth Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (Act)
HUMINTHuman Intelligence
IAIdenification and Authentication
IAWIn Accordance With
IBEIdentity-Based Encryption
IDSIntrusion Detection System
IDPSIntrusion Detection and Prevention System
IAMIdentity and Access Management
IOCIndicator of compromise/Indicators Of Compromise
IoTInternet of Things
IPInternet Protocol/Intellectual Property
IPSIntrusion Prevention System
IRIncident Response Plan/Incident Response
IRPIncident Response Plan
ISACInformation Sharing and Analysis Center
ISMSInformation Security Management System
ISSOInformation Systems Security Officer
ITInformation Technology
ITAMIT Asset Management
ITILInformation Technology Infrastructure Library
ITSMIT Service Management
KBKnowledge Base
LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol
LMSLearning Management System
MDRManaged Detection and Response
MITREMITRE Corporation (not an acronym but a name)
MFAMulti-Factor Authentication
MTTR & MTTDMean Time to Detect and Mean Time to Respond
MSSPManaged Security Service Provider
NACNetwork Access Control
NCSANational Cyber Security Alliance
NGFWNext Generation Firewall
NISTNational Institutes of Standards and Technology
NTANetwork Traffic Analysis
OAOrganizational Action
OODAObserve Orient Decide Act
OPSECOperational Security
OSINTOpen Source intelligence
OTOperational Technology
PAMPrivileged Access Management
PAOBOAUProcess Acting On Behalf Of an Authorized User
PCI-DSSPayment Card Industry Data Security Standard
PEPhysical and Environmental protection
PGPPretty Good Privacy
PHIProtected Health Information
PICERLPrepare, Identify, Contain, Eradicate, Recover, Lessons Learned
PIEEProcurement Integrated Enterprise Environment
PKIPublic Key Infrastructure
POA&MPlan of Action and Milestones
PSPersonnel Security
PTPenetration Testing
RaaSRansomware as a Service
RBARisk-Based Authentication
RBACRole-Based Access Control
RFIRequest for Information
RFPRequest For Proposal
RMRisk Management
RMFRisk Management Framework
RPRegistered Practitioner
RPORegistered Practitioner Organization (CMMC)/Recovery Point Objective
RSARivest–Shamir–Adleman (encryption algorithm)
RTORecovery Time Objective
SASESecure Access Service Edge
SASituational Awareness
SARSecurity Assessment Report
SCSystem and Communications Protection
SCGSecurity Classification Guide
SCADASupervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SCIMSystem for Cross-domain Identity Management
SISystem and Information Integrity
SIEMSecurity Information and Event Management
SSOSingle Sign-On
SOCSecurity Operations Center
SPSpecial Publication
SSOSingle Sign-On
SSPSystem Security Plan
SANSSANS Institute
SPRSSupplier Performance Risk System
SSRFServer-Side Request Forgery
STIGSecurity Technical Implementation Guide
TACACSTerminal Access Controller Access-Control System
TCPTransport Control Protocol
TTPTactics, Techniques, and Procedures
UDPUser Datagram Protocol
VPNVirtual Private Network
WAFWeb Application Firewall
WAAPWeb Application & API Protection
WAPWireless Access Point
WEPWired Equivalency Protocol
WPAWiFi Protected Access
WPSWiFi Protected Setup
WRTWith Respect To
XDRExtended Detection and Response
XSSCross-Site Scripting
ZTNAZero Trust Network Access

FAQ – Important Cybersecurity Acronyms

Q: What is SIEM in cybersecurity, and why is it important?

SIEM stands for Security Information and Event Management, a system that provides a holistic view of an organization’s cybersecurity landscape by tracking and collating information about vulnerabilities across multiple sources. It helps security analysts detect and respond to security events in real-time, monitoring and responding to security threats by analyzing logs and alerts.

Q: What are some important cybersecurity acronyms related to encryption?

Encryption plays a vital role in protecting sensitive information from cyber threats. Some essential cybersecurity acronyms related to encryption include:

  • AES: Advanced Encryption Standard
  • RSA: Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (public-key encryption)
  • TLS: Transport Layer Security, used to secure information between a web browser and the server
  • PGP: Pretty Good Privacy, often used for secure communications

Q: What are the key cybersecurity best practices and frameworks organizations should follow?

Organizations can ensure robust cybersecurity by adopting recognized frameworks such as the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, which provides a standardized approach to security assessment and helps manage cyber risk. Other practices include implementing zero trust principles, data loss prevention strategies, and ensuring endpoint detection and response.

Q: What are some important cybersecurity acronyms related to threat detection and response?

A few important acronyms related to threat detection and response in cybersecurity are:

  • SOC: Security Operations Center, responsible for detecting and responding to security threats
  • EDR: Endpoint Detection and Response, focused on monitoring and defending endpoints
  • DLP: Data Loss Prevention, designed to prevent the unauthorized sharing of sensitive information
  • SIEM: Security Information and Event Management, used to track, analyze, and respond to security events

Q: How does Zero Trust improve network security?

Zero trust is a cybersecurity strategy that assumes no user or device, whether inside or outside the network, should be trusted by default. It focuses on verifying each access attempt, ensuring only authenticated users and devices with unique information about the user can access specific resources. This approach improves network security by reducing the risk of security breaches.

Q: What is SASE, and how does it help with network security?

SASE, or Secure Access Service Edge, is a framework that converges network and security functionalities into a single cloud-based service. It helps organizations enhance their network security by integrating elements like data loss prevention and secure access across their infrastructure, ensuring protection and seamless connectivity.

Q: What role do cyber security analysts play in threat detection and response?

Cybersecurity analysts play a crucial role in investigating alerts and responding to security threats. They use tools like SIEM and EDR to monitor, track, and investigate suspicious activities, analyze information about vulnerabilities, and ensure security measures are in place to defend against potential cyber threats.

Q: What is Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)?

SIEM refers to a set of security standards designed to ensure an organization’s security by collecting and analyzing security alerts, helping security teams to detect potential cybersecurity threats and respond efficiently. Security analysts investigate alerts generated to assess the threat levels and take necessary actions.

Q: What role does the Security Operations Center (SOC) play?

A Security Operations Center (SOC) is a physical location where cybersecurity professionals monitor and manage an organization’s security posture. They handle cyber threat intelligence and work to defend against malicious threats in real-time, ensuring the overall cybersecurity of the enterprise.

Q: How does Authentication impact cybersecurity?

Authentication is critical in defensive cybersecurity, where the key is some unique information that validates the identity of a user, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive resources, reinforcing the security and protection of systems.

Q: What is Network Access in terms of cybersecurity?

Network access refers to the network security functions that manage and control who can enter a network. It ensures that only authorized users have entry, forming part of a converged network security infrastructure to mitigate cybersecurity threats.

Q: How does Data Loss Prevention (DLP) enhance cybersecurity?

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) is a key element of enterprise cybersecurity, aimed at preventing the unauthorized sharing of sensitive information, such as intellectual property or personal data. It plays a vital role in the security and protection of an organization’s assets.

Q: What is Secure Access Service Edge (SASE)?

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is a converged network security infrastructure combining security and networking services into a single cloud-based platform. It is a modern approach to network security functions, enhancing cyber threat intelligence and protection from malicious attacks.

Q: What is Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)?

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is a technology used in defensive cybersecurity to monitor and respond to threats on endpoints, such as computers and mobile devices. It helps security teams track down cybersecurity threats and ensures security and protection from malicious activities.

Q: What is Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)?

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is a security model based on the principle that no user or system is automatically trusted, regardless of their location. This set of security standards limits access to resources, enhancing overall cybersecurity and protecting against cybersecurity threats.

Q: What does Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) focus on?

EDR focuses on detecting and responding to threats at the endpoint level, ensuring security and protection by continuously monitoring devices to identify malicious behavior and mitigate potential breaches in real-time.

Q: How does Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) fit into cybersecurity?

A Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) acts as a middle layer between users and cloud services, enforcing security standards designed to ensure that data remains safe during cloud interactions. It is critical for enterprise cybersecurity, especially in cloud environments.

Q: What is included in a Cybersecurity Glossary?

A cybersecurity glossary is a collection of cybersecurity terms and commonly used acronyms that help professionals and organizations understand the aspects of cybersecurity. It often includes acronyms in the cybersecurity field, covering everything from threat intelligence to network security functions.

Q: How many acronyms are commonly used in the cybersecurity community?

The cybersecurity community uses many acronyms, covering a wide range of topics from threat analysis to defense mechanisms. Commonly used cybersecurity acronyms are essential for cybersecurity professionals to understand and operate effectively in the world of cybersecurity.

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