Report Cyber Crime in Australia

Last Updated on March 6, 2024 by Arnav Sharma

Note: Cybercrime is a prevalent issue in Australia just like it is in any other country. As Aussies become increasingly dependent on technology, the risk of cyber threats and attacks also increases. In order to safeguard your personal information, it is important that you know where to report cybercrime in Australia. In this article, we will provide you with a guide on how to report cybercrime and where to report them.

What is Cyber Crime?

Overview of Cyber Crime

Cybercrime refers to any crime committed using a computer or the internet. Cybercrime can be highly sophisticated and can encompass a wide range of activities such as hacking, identity theft, online scams, phishing, and malware attacks.

Types of Cyber Crime

There are various types of cybercrime, a few of which include:

  • Hacking into computer systems and stealing sensitive data
  • E-commerce fraud such as making transactions using stolen credit card details
  • Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks which render a website inoperable by overwhelming it with traffic
  • Phishing attacks which trick users into downloading malware or giving away personal information
  • Ransomware attacks where a victim’s data is held hostage until a ransom is paid

Consequences of Cyber Crime

Cybercrime can have serious consequences, both for individuals and businesses alike. The consequences can range from financial losses to reputational damage, and can even result in legal action being taken against the perpetrators. Victims of cybercrime often suffer from emotional distress and can experience significant long-term impacts on their lives.

How to Report Cyber Crime in Australia?

Report to Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)

If you are a victim of cybercrime or come across suspicious activity, you can report it to the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC). The ACSC is the Australian Government’s lead agency for cybersecurity and provides a 24/7 hotline for cybersecurity incidents. You can report a cybercrime to the ACSC by calling their 24/7 hotline on 1300 CYBER1 (1300 292 371) or by filling out an online form.

Report to Police or Law Enforcement Agencies

You can also report cybercrime to the police or other law enforcement agencies. Cybercrime is a criminal offense just like any other crime, and you can report it to the police no matter where you live in Australia. In case of an emergency or immediate danger, you can call the police on 000. Otherwise, you can report cybercrime to your local police station or call the Australian Federal Police (AFP) on 131 AFP (131 237).

Report to Other Relevant Agencies

There are other agencies that you can report cybercrime to depending on the nature of the crime. For example, you can report financial fraud or scams to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) or the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). You can also report cyberbullying or online harassment to the Office of the eSafety Commissioner.

How to Use ReportCyber to Report Cyber Crime?

What is ReportCyber?

ReportCyber is an online platform that enables you to report cyber incidents. The platform is maintained by the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) and provides a secure and confidential way to submit information on a cyber incident. You can use ReportCyber to report cybercrime, cyber abuse, and suspicious online behavior.

How to Submit a Report Using ReportCyber?

You can submit a report to ReportCyber by visiting their website at The website provides a step-by-step guide on how to complete their online form. When you submit a report using ReportCyber, you will receive a reference number which you can use to track your report.

What Information Should You Provide When You Report Cyber Crime?

You should provide as much information as possible when reporting cybercrime to enable the relevant authorities to investigate and take action against cybercriminals. This includes:

  • Details on the incident such as the date and time it occurred
  • Identification of the victim, if it is not you
  • Details on the type of cybercrime or cybercriminal activity that was involved
  • Any relevant metadata or log files that might be available
  • Any relevant screenshots or links to the cybercrime involved in the incident

What Other Options Do You Have to Report Cyber Crime?

Contact Your Bank or Financial Institution

If your bank account or credit card has been compromised, it is important to contact your financial institution immediately. Your financial institution can help you take the necessary steps to secure your account and prevent further unauthorized transactions.

Contact Your Email or Internet Service Provider

If you receive a suspicious email or a link in your emails, it is wise to contact your email or internet service provider directly. They can block the sender’s IP address or remove any malicious links to protect you and other customers from falling victim to scams.

Contact Your Organisation’s IT Department

If you are targeted at your workplace, it is wise to contact your organisation’s IT department immediately. They can help you secure your device, and identify and quarantine any suspicious files. It may also be necessary to contact your Human Resources team as cybercrime might also involve social engineering tactics.

What Happens After You Report Cyber Crime?

Investigation Process

After you’ve reported a cybercrime, an investigation is launched to identify and track the perpetrator. Depending on the type of cybercrime reported, the investigation process can vary in time. In most cases, authorities may also share the intelligence gathered in your report to other agencies to disrupt cybercrime operations.

Assistance for Victims

If you are a victim of cybercrime, help and support services are available to help you deal with the aftermath. You can contact the National Identity and Cyber Support Service (NICSS), which is an Australian Government-funded service, to get assistance. They provide advice, support, and victim support services to Australians that have fallen victim to cybercrime.

Preventing Future Cyber Crime

After being a victim to cybercrime, you can also take steps to prevent future cybercrime from happening to you or others. Some of the preventive measures include:

  • Strengthening passwords and not sharing them with others
  • Keeping software and systems up-to-date
  • Being vigilant for phishing emails and other malicious links
  • Limiting the personal information shared online
  • Using up-to-date antivirus and internet security software

Every report assists to disrupt cybercrime operations and helps to make Australia a less attractive target for cybercriminals. If you come across a cyber incident, do not hesitate to report it. A single report can make all the difference.

Q: What is cybercrime?

A: Cybercrime is a type of crime that involves using computers, networks, or other digital devices to commit illegal acts, such as hacking, identity theft, and distributing malware.

Q: How can I report a cybercrime in Australia?

A: You can report a cybercrime in Australia by visiting the Australian Cybercrime Online Reporting Network (ACORN) website, which provides a secure and direct way to report incidents of cybercrime. You can also contact the Australian Federal Police or your local police station.

Q: What is ACORN and how does it help me report a cybercrime?

A: ACORN is an online cybercrime reporting platform established by the Australian government that allows individuals and businesses to easily and securely report incidents of cybercrime. ACORN also provides advice on how to protect yourself from cybercrime and how to avoid becoming a victim.

Q: Can I report a cybercrime anonymously?

A: Yes, you can report a cybercrime anonymously through ACORN if you wish. However, providing your personal details can help investigators better understand the nature of the crime and may assist with identifying and prosecuting the perpetrator.

Q: What information should I provide when reporting a cybercrime?

A: When reporting a cybercrime, it is important to provide as much detail as possible, including the type of cybercrime that occurred, any individuals or organisations involved, the date and time of the incident, and any supporting evidence that you may have.

Q: Can I report a cybercrime that was directed at someone else?

A: Yes, you can report a cybercrime that was directed at someone else, such as a friend, family member, or business associate. You should ensure that you have the consent of the person who was targeted before making the report and provide as much information as possible to assist investigators.

Q: What steps can I take to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime?

A: There are a number of steps you can take to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime, including regularly updating your antivirus and anti-malware software, using strong and unique passwords, being cautious of suspicious emails and social media accounts, and only providing personal or financial information to legitimate organisations or websites.

Q: What is identity crime and how can I report it?

A: Identity crime is when someone uses your personal information, such as your name, address, or date of birth, without your permission to commit fraud or other illegal activities. You can report identity crime to ACORN, your local police station, or the organisation that was targeted, such as your financial institution or government department.

Q: What is email compromise and how can I avoid it?

A: Email compromise is when a cybercriminal gains access to your email account and uses it to impersonate you, send fraudulent messages, or steal sensitive information. To avoid email compromise, you should enable two-factor authentication on all of your email accounts, use strong and unique passwords, and be cautious of links or attachments in unsolicited emails.

Q: What is remote access and how can I protect myself from it?

A: Remote access is when a cybercriminal gains access to your computer or network from a remote location, such as through a backdoor or exploit. To protect yourself from remote access, you should regularly update your software and operating system, use a strong and unique password, and avoid downloading software from untrustworthy sources.

Q: What should I do if I suspect I have been the victim of cybercrime?

A: If you suspect that you have been the victim of cybercrime, you should immediately contact your financial institution or the organisation that was targeted, such as your bank or email provider. You should also report the incident to ACORN, your local police station, or the Australian Federal Police. It is important to act quickly to prevent further harm to yourself or others.

keywords: report a cyber, payment, payment, contact us, infrastructure, trend, vulnerability, harmful, finance, organise

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