Terragrunt Usage Terragrunt Usage

Last Updated on May 27, 2024 by Arnav Sharma

When it comes to infrastructure as code (IAC) tools, Terraform and Terragrunt are two of the most popular options. While Terraform is a powerful tool for provisioning and managing your infrastructure, Terragrunt is an abstraction layer that simplifies the process of managing Terraform code. However, while Terragrunt can be a useful tool for managing complex infrastructure, it’s not always the best option. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between Terraform and Terragrunt and why Terragrunt may not always be the best option.

Introduction: What are Terragrunt and Terraform?

Before diving into the differences between Terragrunt and Terraform, let’s first understand their differences. Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that allows you to define and provision infrastructure resources such as virtual machines, networks, and storage in a repeatable and consistent way. This means you can easily manage and update your infrastructure as code along with your application code.

Terragrunt, on the other hand, is a thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra functionality to help manage Terraform configurations. It offers features such as remote state management, locking, and dependencies that can help simplify the management of large and complex Terraform deployments.

While both tools are designed to work together, Terragrunt’s additional features can sometimes make it seem like a better option, but that’s not always the case. Depending on your specific use case, Terraform may be the better choice. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between the two tools, provide examples of when one may be a better option than the other, and help you make an informed decision on which tool to use for your infrastructure management needs.

What is the difference between Terragrunt and Terraform?

Terragrunt and Terraform are both infrastructure-as-code (IAC) tools used in managing cloud resources such as AWS, GCP, and Azure. While Terragrunt and Terraform are both created by HashiCorp, they have different use cases and functionalities.

Terraform is designed to be a general-purpose IAC tool that enables you to manage infrastructure as code. It enables you to define, manage, and update your infrastructure in a declarative language. With Terraform, you can create, modify and destroy infrastructure resources such as instances, security groups, and load balancers.

On the other hand, Terragrunt is a wrapper around Terraform that enables you to manage multiple Terraform modules and configurations more efficiently. Terragrunt uses Terraform as its backend for managing infrastructure.

Terragrunt helps automate the process of provisioning and managing infrastructure stacks that are composed of multiple Terraform modules. It provides a simple way to manage remote states and apply best practices such as separating production, staging, and development environments.

While Terragrunt can be a handy tool in managing Terraform modules, it’s not always necessary. If your infrastructure is relatively simple, you might not need Terragrunt. But if you have a complex infrastructure with multiple modules, Terragrunt can help you manage them more efficiently.

When to use Terraform

Terraform is a powerful and flexible tool that can help you manage your infrastructure as code. It is a great option when you need to manage many resources across multiple environments. Terraform is also a good choice when you need to integrate with other tools and services in your tech stack, such as monitoring or deployment tools.

Another advantage of Terraform is its large and active community. This means that many resources are available to help you get started with Terraform and a wealth of community-contributed modules that you can use to automate your infrastructure.

Terraform also has a built-in state management system, which helps you keep track of changes to your infrastructure over time. This can be especially useful when rolling back changes or troubleshooting issues.

Overall, Terraform is a great choice for teams that need a powerful and flexible infrastructure as a code tool. It is also a good option when you need to manage a large number of resources across multiple environments and when you need to integrate with other tools and services in your tech stack.

When to use Terragrunt

Terragrunt is a powerful tool to help you manage and organize your Terraform code more efficiently. Here are a few situations where you might want to use Terragrunt:

  1. Managing multiple Terraform modules: If you have a complex infrastructure with multiple Terraform modules that you need to manage, Terragrunt can help you avoid duplicating your code and make your infrastructure codebase more modular.
  2. Managing multiple environments: If you need to manage multiple environments (e.g., dev, staging, and prod), Terragrunt can help you manage the state of your infrastructure code more effectively. You can use Terragrunt to define your environment-specific variables and configurations in a single place and apply them across your Terraform modules.
  3. Managing remote state: If you’re using remote state with Terraform, Terragrunt can help you manage your state more efficiently. Terragrunt has built-in support for remote state management and can help you avoid some of the common pitfalls of managing remote state with Terraform.

While Terragrunt can be a powerful tool in the right circumstances, it’s important to remember that it’s not always the best option. In some cases, using Terragrunt can add unnecessary complexity to your infrastructure codebase. For example, if you have a small infrastructure with only a few Terraform modules, using Terragrunt may not provide any significant benefits. In such cases, sticking with Terraform may be the simpler and more effective option.

A real-world example of using Terraform

To give a real-world example of using Terraform, let’s consider a scenario where you are working with a team of developers to build a new application in AWS. In this case, you would use Terraform to define the infrastructure required for the application.

For example, you may need to create an S3 bucket to store user-generated content, an EC2 instance to run the application, a load balancer to distribute traffic, and a database to store user data. Instead of manually creating each resource, you can use Terraform to define them in code.

With Terraform, you can write a configuration file that describes the desired infrastructure in a declarative language. This file can then be versioned and shared with your team, allowing you to collaborate on changes and track any modifications made over time.

Terraform also lets you preview changes before you apply them to your infrastructure, helping to catch any issues before they cause downtime or other problems. Once you’re ready to apply the changes, Terraform will automatically create or modify the necessary resources to match the desired state.

Overall, Terraform provides a powerful and flexible way to manage infrastructure as code, making it an essential tool for modern DevOps teams.

A real-world example of using Terragrunt

One real-world example of using Terragrunt is for managing multiple environments such as development, staging, and production environments. In this scenario, Terragrunt can help manage the infrastructure code across all the environments while also handling the dependencies between them.

For instance, let’s say you have a web application that relies on a database. To create the infrastructure for this application, you would need to create the database first before creating the web application. With Terraform, you would have to create two separate configurations for the database and the web application. However, using Terragrunt, you can define the database as a module that can be referenced by the web application module.

This way, you can manage the infrastructure code for the database and web application in separate repositories (DevOps, GitHub etc), while also keeping the dependencies between them. This approach can help ensure consistency across all environments while allowing you to make updates and changes to the infrastructure code easily.

However, it’s important to note that using Terragrunt is not always the best option. In some cases, its added complexity may not be necessary, and using Terraform alone can be sufficient. It’s important to consider the specific needs of your project and evaluate whether Terragrunt is the right tool for the job.

The pros and cons of using Terraform

When it comes to infrastructure as code, Terraform is one of the most powerful and widely used tools available. However, it’s not without its limitations.

One of the biggest advantages of Terraform is its simplicity. The learning curve is relatively shallow, making it easy for teams to get started with infrastructure as code. Terraform also boasts a large and active community, which means there’s plenty of support available online.

Terraform is also highly flexible and can be used with a wide range of cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

However, Terraform can become unwieldy as infrastructures grow more complex. Managing dependencies between modules can be challenging, and dealing with state files can be a headache.

Additionally, Terraform doesn’t provide a way to manage remote terraform state, which can be a problem in multi-user environments. This is where Terragrunt comes in.

Terragrunt provides a layer of abstraction on top of Terraform, allowing for more advanced workflows and state management. However, this added complexity can come at a cost. Terragrunt has a steeper learning curve than Terraform, and its abstraction layer can sometimes make troubleshooting difficult.

Ultimately, whether to use Terraform or Terragrunt will depend on your team’s specific needs and priorities. In some cases, Terraform will be the better choice due to its simplicity and ease of use. In others, Terragrunt’s added functionality will be worth the extra investment in time and effort.

The pros and cons of using Terragrunt

Terragrunt is a powerful tool that can be used to manage multiple Terraform modules. It provides a simple way to maintain consistency across different Terraform deployments. However, like any tool, Terragrunt has its own pros and cons.

One of the biggest advantages of Terragrunt is that it simplifies the management of Terraform deployments. It allows you to create reusable code that can be used across different modules. This makes it easy to maintain consistency across deployments and saves time and effort.

Another advantage of Terragrunt is that it provides a simple way to manage dependencies between Terraform modules. You can easily specify dependencies between modules and ensure that they are deployed in the correct order.

However, there are also some drawbacks to using Terragrunt. One of the biggest issues is that it introduces additional complexity to your infrastructure. This can make troubleshooting issues harder and lead to more difficult deployments.

Another potential issue with Terragrunt is that it may not always be the best option for your needs. For example, if you only have a few Terraform modules to manage, then the additional complexity of Terragrunt may not be necessary.

Ultimately, your decision to use Terragrunt depends on your needs and circumstances. If you have many Terraform modules to manage, then Terragrunt can be a powerful tool that simplifies the management process. However, if you only have a few modules to manage, then you may be better off using Terraform directly.

How to decide which tool to use

When it comes to deciding which tool is best for your needs, there are a few key factors to consider. First and foremost, you need to consider the complexity of your infrastructure. If you have a relatively simple infrastructure, with only a handful of resources to manage, then Terraform may be the better option for you. However, if you have a complex infrastructure with many interdependent resources, then Terragrunt may be the better choice.

Another important factor to consider is the level of control you need over your infrastructure. Terraform provides a high level of control, allowing you to manage each resource individually. Terragrunt, on the other hand, provides more abstraction, allowing you to manage groups of resources together. If you need fine-grained control over your infrastructure, then Terraform may be the better choice. However, if you prefer a more abstracted approach, then Terragrunt may be more suitable.

Finally, you should also consider your team’s level of experience and expertise. If your team is already familiar with Terraform, then it may be easier to stick with that tool. However, if you have team members who are more experienced with Terragrunt, switching to that tool may make more sense.

Ultimately, deciding which tool to use will depend on your unique needs and circumstances. By carefully considering the complexity of your infrastructure, the level of control you need, and your team’s expertise, you can make an informed choice to help you manage your infrastructure more effectively.

Conclusion: Choosing the right tool for your infrastructure management needs.

In conclusion, while Terragrunt and Terraform are both excellent tools for infrastructure management, choosing the right one depends on your specific needs. Terragrunt provides additional features that Terraform lacks, such as built-in remote state management and infrastructure-as-code composition. However, these features come at the cost of increased complexity and a steeper learning curve, which may not be suitable for all users.

If you need a simple tool for infrastructure management, Terraform might be your best choice. It’s easy to learn and offers a wide range of features that are suitable for most use cases. On the other hand, if you’re managing a large-scale and complex infrastructure, Terragrunt may be the better option. Not only does it offer additional features, but it also helps to manage the complexity of your infrastructure.

Ultimately, the choice between Terragrunt and Terraform depends on your organisation’s specific needs, the complexity of your infrastructure, and the level of expertise of your team. By evaluating these factors and choosing the right tool for your needs, you can ensure that your infrastructure is managed efficiently and effectively.


Q: What is the difference between Terragrunt and Terraform?

A: Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that allows users to define and provision a data center infrastructure using a high-level configuration language. Terragrunt is a Terraform wrapper and provides several powerful features and Workspaces management. It is designed to simplify the management of multiple Terraform modules.

Q: When should I use pure Terraform over Terragrunt?

A: If you have a simple setup or are new to Terraform, you may want to start with pure Terraform. It’s important to note that Terragrunt is unnecessary for every project, and achieving identical results in pure Terraform code could be more natural in straightforward cases.

Q: What are the benefits of using Terragrunt?

A: Terragrunt allows you to work with multiple Terraform modules, keep your Terraform code organized using a recommended folder structure, avoid code duplication, and manage the state with less effort.

Q: Can I use Git with Terragrunt?

A: Yes. Terragrunt is integrated with Git, and it can configure the backend in your Terraform code to store the state in S3 or another storage system. Terragrunt then commits the changes and pushes them to your Git repository.

Q: What is a workspace in Terragrunt?

A: A workspace is a fundamental concept in Terragrunt that helps manage the Terraform environments in your project. It is a named target selection mechanism that determines which resources apply to which environment and the state and output of each environment.

Q: Can I use Terragrunt with Terraform Cloud?

A: Yes. Terragrunt can be used with Terraform Cloud. It can be used for deploying infrastructure changes using the Terraform Cloud CLI alongside your usual Terraform workflow.

Q: How does Terragrunt help with production environments?

A: Terragrunt allows you to create different workspaces for production, staging, and other environments. It lets you manage modules in different environments, with different configurations, and enables you to maintain a dry and maintainable configuration for your infrastructure.

Q: Can I use Terragrunt to work with multiple Terraform modules?

A: Yes. Terragrunt allows working with multiple Terraform modules and ensure their state is stored separately. By using Terragrunt with a modular design approach, you can separate code, infrastructure, and processing into individual components that are more manageable.

Q: How can I set up Terragrunt for my project?

A: Terragrunt is a thin wrapper, so setting it up is quite simple. You need to create a terragrunt.hcl file, implement the folder structure, configuration, and other settings. Gruntwork provides a lot of sample terragrunt.hcl files for different use cases, including working with multiple AWS accounts, VPCs, and environments.

Q: Are there any alternatives to Terragrunt?

A: Yes. Terraspace and gruntwork are two alternatives to Terragrunt. Terraspace is a lightweight wrapper for Terraform that automates your Terraform workflows and improves productivity and reliability. Gruntwork provides a valuable collection of reusable infrastructure code and modules, but its focus is on AWS.

Keywords: vpc, env, hcl, terragrunt and terraspace, environment variable, vs terragrunt, work with terraform, child module, terraform experience, store terraform state, provides extra tools for keepin

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